Hand Rejuvenation in Baton Rouge, LA

Often exposed to harsh elements, your hands can show signs of aging, sun damage, and volume loss over time. This is where our hand rejuvenation services come into play. At Nunnally Dermatology, we offer hand rejuvenation services in Baton Rouge, LA, led by Dr. Donna Nunnally. We understand the importance of keeping your hands looking youthful and refreshed, and we are committed to providing exceptional care to achieve that goal.

What Is Hand Rejuvenation?

Hand rejuvenation is a cosmetic treatment aimed at improving the appearance of the hands. As we age, the skin on our hands can become thinner and more wrinkled and may show age spots or other signs of sun damage. Hand rejuvenation encompasses laser treatments, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and dermal fillers. These treatments aim to restore volume, diminish the appearance of veins and tendons, reduce wrinkles and age spots, and improve skin texture and tone. The goal is to make the hands look more youthful and healthier.

Benefits of Hand Rejuvenation

Youthful Appearance

Hand rejuvenation treatments effectively diminish visible signs of aging, such as wrinkles and age-related volume loss. By addressing these common aging signs, hands regain a more youthful and revitalized look, often complementing the person’s overall appearance.

Improved Skin Texture

Techniques like microdermabrasion and chemical peels are used to smooth the skin’s surface, significantly reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. These treatments gently remove the outer layer of dead skin, revealing smoother, more radiant skin underneath.

Even Skin Tone

Laser therapy is particularly effective in fading sunspots and age spots, common signs of aging on the hands. This results in a more uniform skin tone, enhancing the hands’ overall aesthetic.

Enhanced Volume

Dermal fillers are vital to hand rejuvenation and are designed to restore lost volume. By plumping the skin, these fillers reduce the visibility of veins and tendons, giving the hands a fuller, more youthful appearance.

Minimal Downtime

One of the significant advantages of non-surgical hand rejuvenation is the minimal downtime required. Patients can quickly resume their daily activities, making it a convenient option for those with busy lifestyles.

Quick Treatment

Most hand rejuvenation treatments are efficient and often completed in less than an hour. This quick turnaround makes it ideal for people seeking immediate cosmetic enhancements without a significant time commitment.

Customizable Solutions

Each hand rejuvenation plan uniquely suits the individual’s specific needs and concerns. This customization ensures that patients receive the most effective treatment for their particular condition.

Long-Lasting Effects

Depending on the specific treatment chosen, hand rejuvenation results can last several months to over a year. This longevity allows for extended enjoyment of the rejuvenated appearance.

Minimal Discomfort

While discomfort may be experienced during and after the treatment, it is typically minimal and manageable. This low level of discomfort is a critical factor in the popularity of hand rejuvenation treatments.


Hand rejuvenation can address multiple aging concerns simultaneously, such as texture, tone, and volume. This versatility saves time and effort for the patient, as various issues can be treated in a single session.

Our Hand Rejuvenation Treatments

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers, often containing hyaluronic acid, are excellent for plumping up the skin on the hands. This treatment effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and prominent veins, thereby restoring the hands’ youthful volume and smoothness.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involve the application of chemical solutions to exfoliate the top layer of skin on the hands. This process improves the skin’s texture and reduces the visibility of age spots and fine lines, resulting in a more uniform and rejuvenated appearance.


Sclerotherapy is a targeted procedure for injecting a specialized solution into visible hand veins. The injected solution causes these veins to collapse and gradually fade away, significantly improving the hands’ aesthetic by reducing vein prominence. This treatment primarily benefits individuals who have prominent hand veins and desire a smoother and more youthful appearance for their hands.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL)

IPL treatments utilize intense pulsed light to specifically target pigmentation issues, sunspots, and other skin imperfections on the hands. The light energy the skin absorbs helps break down pigmentation, leading to a more even skin tone and texture. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Hand Rejuvenation

How Long Does a Hand Rejuvenation Treatment Take?

Hand rejuvenation treatments are gaining popularity as practical solutions for restoring the youthful appearance of hands. The process and its outcomes can vary depending on the specific treatments involved and the individual’s skin condition.

When Will I See the Results of Hand Rejuvenation?

The duration of hand rejuvenation treatment generally takes less than an hour, making it a relatively quick treatment option. This time frame can vary depending on the chosen treatment, such as fillers, laser therapy, or chemical peels.

How Long Do the Results of Hand Rejuvenation Last?

The longevity of hand rejuvenation results can vary but typically lasts several months to over a year, depending on the treatments used. Factors like the type of fillers or laser treatments, the individual’s skin type, and their lifestyle can influence how long the rejuvenating effects are maintained.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Hand Rejuvenation?

Hand rejuvenation is particularly suitable for individuals experiencing signs of aging, such as wrinkles and volume loss, or those with sun-damaged hands. We conduct thorough consultations to assess each patient’s specific needs and determine their suitability for the treatment, ensuring personalized and effective treatment plans.

Choose Nunnally Dermatology for Your Hand Rejuvenation in Baton Rouge, LA

At Nunnally Dermatology in Baton Rouge, LA, we understand that hands are one of the first areas to show signs of aging. That’s why we provide hand rejuvenation treatment to help restore the youthful appearance of your hands. We use various techniques, such as fillers and laser treatments, to reduce wrinkles, age spots, and fine lines on your hands. Contact us online or call (225) 769-3376 to learn more and schedule your consultation with us.