Radiesse in Baton Rouge, LA

As we age, time leaves its mark on our faces in the form of wrinkles, creases, and a loss of volume. And sometimes, without professional help, restoring facial volume and attaining a more youthful appearance can be a difficult task to tackle. Fortunately, Radiesse is a filler that can successfully address these concerns. This treatment can be effectively used to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, creases, and other skin concerns, thereby restoring a more youthful appearance.

At Nunnally Dermatology in Baton Rouge, LA, we pride ourselves on providing top-of-the-line dermatological treatments for our patients. One such treatment is Radiesse, a popular filler that can help minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Radiesse is a safe and effective injectable that can significantly improve the appearance of your face, giving you a refreshed, youthful look.

Led by Dr. Donna Nunnally, one of the most highly regarded dermatologists in the area, our team also focuses on cosmetic rejuvenation and is skilled with neuromodulators and dermal fillers, including Radiesse. When you visit our center for Radiesse treatment, you can be confident that you are receiving top-of-the-line dermatological care from the experts.

What Is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a dermal filler that offers a convenient solution to those looking to restore youthfulness and enhance their facial features. Specifically designed to even out wrinkles and fine lines, Radiesse is a popular option among individuals seeking to add volume to areas of their face that have lost fullness over time. The treatment works by stimulating the production of collagen, filling and plumping the skin, resulting in a firmer, more youthful appearance.

Radiesse is commonly used to treat deep wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds (the lines that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth) and marionette lines (lines that extend from the corners of the mouth to the chin). It can also be used to restore volume in areas such as the cheeks, jawline, and temples, and to rejuvenate the back of the hands by reducing the visibility of veins and tendons.

What Are the Benefits of Radiesse?

Radiesse is an increasingly popular dermal filler due to its potential benefits. Some of those benefits are:

Provides Long-Lasting Results, Up to a Year

Unlike some other dermal fillers, Radiesse offers long-lasting results. The treatment can last up to a year or more, minimizing the need for frequent touch-ups or repeat visits.

Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive

Radiesse treatments offer a non-surgical and minimally invasive approach to cosmetic enhancements. The procedure involves a series of injections, which ensures a more gradual and natural-looking result. Patients can expect minimal discomfort, and with little to no downtime required, they can quickly return to their daily routine after the treatment. Unlike more invasive procedures, Radiesse injections do not require any incisions, which means there is no risk of scarring or complications.

Has Multiple Formulas to Treat Different Concerns

Radiesse is a cosmetic treatment that offers multiple formulas to address different concerns. Thanks to its versatility, Radiesse can quickly and effectively improve the appearance of various cosmetic issues. From hollow cheeks to chin wrinkles, Radiesse offers a solution to enhance the contours of the face and achieve personalized aesthetic goals. The treatment can also improve the appearance of aging hands, a common concern among individuals seeking to enhance their overall look.


How Long Do the Results of Radiesse Last?

The results of Radiesse can last up to a year or more, depending on the individual and the treated area. However, it’s important to note that results can vary, and touch-up treatments may be required to maintain the desired effects. Your healthcare provider can give you a better estimate of how long the results may last based on your specific situation.

Can Radiesse Be Combined With Other Aesthetic Treatments?

Radiesse can be combined with other aesthetic treatments to achieve more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. It is often used with other dermal fillers, such as hyaluronic acid-based fillers, to address different wrinkles or volume loss. Additionally, Radiesse can be used alongside other non-surgical procedures like Botox to target dynamic wrinkles and create a more balanced, youthful appearance.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Radiesse?

Radiesse is generally recommended for adults looking to address signs of aging, such as wrinkles, folds, and volume loss in the face or hands. Candidates should have good overall health and realistic expectations about the treatment outcomes. You must disclose any medical conditions, allergies, or medications you take to your healthcare provider before undergoing Radiesse treatment. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should not receive Radiesse injections.

We understand that choosing the right dermal filler can be overwhelming. This is why we believe that the best way to know whether Radiesse filler is the right choice for you is through a consultation with us. Our team of experts will take the time to listen to your concerns and guide you through the process, ensuring that you fully understand the treatment and its potential benefits. During the consultation, we will discuss your individual needs and preferences, providing a personalized plan that caters specifically to you.

Restore Your Look With Radiesse in Baton Rouge, LA

At Nunnally Dermatology in Baton Rouge, LA, we proudly offer our patients Radiesse, a revolutionary filler designed to fight the visible signs of aging. Our Radiesse treatment is safe, effective, and FDA-approved. By stimulating collagen production, Radiesse reduces the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and age-related volume loss, creating a natural, youthful look. With over 20 years of experience, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality care possible. Contact us today for a consultation to see if Radiesse is right for you.